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April 06, 2011

National Library Week, April 10-16

Join Neill Public Library and libraries nation-wide to celebrate this year's National Library Week, April 10-16. To start the festivities, we invite you to join us for an unforgettable visit from Book Lust author and National Public Radio celebrity librarian Nancy Pearl on April 11, 6 pm, at the Gladish Community Center. This promises to be an evening of literary inspiration for bibliophiles everywhere. This event is made possible by a grant from The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation.

On April 12, the Friends of Neill Public Library join librarian Kathleen Ahern at the Kindergarten Registration event at the Pioneer Center. Together, they will celebrate school age readers by offering new library cards and free books to each child.

Visit the library any time during this special week and enter drawings to win special prizes for children, teens and adults.

For more information, visit Neill Public Library, call 334-3595 or see the library's web site.

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