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May 14, 2011

2010 was a year to remember at Neill Public Library

Neill Public Library’s 2010 annual report is finished.  It was a year to remember.  Though we had our share of challenges, we also had many, many opportunities.

At the beginning of the year, in response to difficult economic times, budget cuts and low staffing levels the Neill Library board of trustees made the decision to reduce operating hours and suspend select,
non-essential services from January through June.  By July, staffing levels from some previously vacated positions had recovered enough to support restoration of a seven-day-a-week operation.   Neill Library experienced a 6% increase in new borrowers and a 67% increase to in-house circulations (material enjoyed at the library but not checked out).  This is in contrast to a 15% decrease in library visits and a 9% decrease in checked-out items.  Judging by these statistics, it would seem that while more patrons signed up for library cards, the temporary reduction in operating hours resulted in fewer visits and fewer external checkouts.  Judging by the dramatic increase to in-house circulation though, it would seem that many patrons enjoyed their materials in the comfort of the library environment rather than checking them out to take home. 

In August, Neill Public Library unveiled its new downloadable collection of eBooks and audiobooks!  Earlier in the year, we joined 20 other Washington public libraries to form the Washington Digital Library Consortium.  The goal of the consortium:  to bring a fabulous collection of downloadable titles to library patrons at a cost-effective rate.  By the end of 2010, Neill Public Library had the 4th largest number of registered patrons accessing this collection and the 7th highest circulation activity out of all participating libraries. 

The library’s temporary leadership continued without change since the director resigned in late 2009.  Recognizing the importance of retaining professional staff and facilitating long-range planning efforts and responsible growth, the Library Board engaged the services of a professional library consultant.  The Friends of Neill Public Library echoed these same goals and generously donated the funding to hire Ruth Metz.  Ms. Metz was tasked to clarify the roles and responsibilities of the library board, Friends of Neill Public Library, the City, and the management team and staff; and to subsequently identify blind spots within each group and the collective organization.  The proactive groundwork laid by Ms. Metz will provide greater professional support to incoming library leaders. 

Throughout the year, we appreciate feedback from our patrons as it guides us in our planning efforts.  When we heard more programming was desired, staff responded by increasing programming 50% between adult and youth service departments.  Attendance also increased 36% over last year.  While some of this programming was made possible by grants from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation and the Friends of Neill Public Library, all of these events were made memorable thanks to the hard work from our devoted staff, volunteers and enthusiastic library patrons.  Great job, everyone!

Investment in your library offered good returns in 2010.  Each taxpayer invested $38.58 to support library operations.  In return, Pullman’s 29,799 residents visited the library 12 times, borrowed 13 items and attended 20 programs year.  The average investment on each item borrowed was 25 cents.  Compare this to the same item’s retail price and one can clearly see why public libraries offer good returns on your investment.

And on that good note, we close the books on 2010.  It is clear that Neill Public Library continues to be well utilized by its community and remains a tremendous asset in the City of Pullman’s fleet of public services.  Operations are made possible thanks to the continued financial support of the City.   The community greatly values the library and is invested in its success, as evidenced by the 805 volunteer hours logged and $41,758 donation dollars received in 2010. 

Thank you, Pullman, for your support. 
-Joanna Bailey,
Temporary Library Services Manager
 Published in Moscow-Pullman Daily News, May 14, 2011

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