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November 13, 2014

Today is World Kindness Day!

November 13  World Kindness Day

RAK.  One more acronym, yes.  But this one is one that bears elaboration. RAK. Random Acts of Kindness.   An act of kindness means putting someone else first – in thought, in action, in appreciation.  An act of kindness need not cost the giver a cent.  Opening a door, initiating a conversation, smiling, going that extra mile – they all can have a profound impact on another person and on the world itself.

November 13 has been designated World Kindness Day.  It seems to me the perfect occasion to make a commitment to ourselves to put kindness at the top of our “to do list”. Once one begins to do those RAKs, something quite wonderful begins to happen. The giver – the RAK “do-er” feels a sense of warmth themselves.  Studies show that when one demonstrates kindness, the results include the giver reporting increased levels of happiness. Studies also show that kindness begets kindness.  And who could argue that our world – immediate and otherwise – is in need of kindness upon kindness?

Need further information or inspiration? Check out these items from the library – and then get on with your RAKs.  I plan to do the same!
The Art of Being Kind by Einhorn
The Power of Giving by Jamal
Acting With Kindness by Scheunemann
One Simple Act by Macomber

Kathleen Ahern
Children's Librarian

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