Pages and Information

December 31, 2014

Thank You and See You Again Soon!

As we come to the close of 2014 everyone on the library's staff appreciates your patronage throughout 2014.  Whether you've used our services once or innumerable times, we hope we helped you find what you needed or wanted.    

YOUR public library is a wonderful example of your tax dollars at work.  Where else do you have access to thousands of items, hundreds of programs and a wealth of technology at your fingertips ... all without paying any additional dollars and cents?

As we cross the bridge to 2015, we look forward to continuing to be of service to you.  Not only do we enjoy serving you, we also value and appreciate getting feedback from you.  So let us know what you think, as well as any ideas and suggestions you have.  After all, we work for you.

On behalf of YOUR library staff, Happy New Year!

December 30, 2014

Explore the Palouse Heritage Collection....

The Palouse Heritage Collection at Neill Public Library has a wide variety of materials about the Palouse.  We will be sharing some of the photos from the collection with you over the next few days and weeks, but don't just view the materials here.  Come down to the library and explore the Palouse Heritage Collection!

Flooded Burgan/Jordan Building March 1, 1910 

Pullman Flood of 1910

December 29, 2014

Library Closed for New Year's Holiday

Neill Public Library will Close at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 31st, and Be Closed on Thursday, January 1st for the New Year's Holiday!

You can visit the library via our website at 
where you can view the catalog, check out electronic resources, use the library databases, request an item and view your account. No materials will be due at this time, but if you wish to return materials you may do so using the book drop at the North entrance of the library. 

We will re-open at 1:00 p.m. on Monday, December 29th.

December 23, 2014

Explore the Palouse Heritage Collection...

The Palouse Heritage Collection at Neill Public Library has a wide variety of materials about the Palouse.  We will be sharing some of the photos from the collection with you over the next few days and weeks, but don't just view the materials here.  Come down to the library and explore the Palouse Heritage Collection!
Flooded Pullman Business District - March 1, 1910
Pullman Flood of 1910

Palouse Country Improvement Co. partially submerged in Pullman Flood of 1910.

December 21, 2014

Winter Solstice......

It's the day of the winter solstice. The shortest day of the year.  The onset of winter.  The beginning of the return of the light.  It's also one of two days in the year when an egg can be balanced on its end. It's a day that can go by without much notice or with grand fanfare.

So whether you would prefer to acknowledge the solstice in a quiet or loud fashion, the library has books, DVDs and music to support your welcoming of winter. You can start by enjoying the Windham Hill Artists CD entitled "Winter Solstice."  Then crack open The Shortest Day of the Year: Celebrating the Winter's Solstice by Wendy Pfeffer or Rosamunde Pilcher's  novel, "Winter Solstice."  Then you can slide the DVD, also entitled "Winter Solstice" into your computer or DVD player to savor.

Welcome winter!  Bundle up and come visit us soon!

December 18, 2014

International Wear a Plunger on Your Head Day!

I promise,  I did NOT make this up.  There truly is an INTERNATIONAL acknowledgement of this most "interesting" day. For me, this brings a sense a wondering.  Who thought this up?  And why? And is there a sanitary component or requirement with regard to said plunger?  Let alone, what is one to "do" while sporting a plunger on one's noggin?  So many questions!  So much fun!

Perhaps the sole purpose of this plunger day is to remind us all of the need to smile more often, laugh more deeply and live life a bit more lightly. So if you are ready for some giggles, then check out these outrageously fun books:

Milton Berle's Private Joke File: Over 10,0000 of His Best Gags, Anecdotes, and One-Liners by Berle, Just Joking: 300 Hilarious Jokes About Everything, Including Tongue Twisters, Riddles and More by Musgrave, Plato and Platypus Walk Into a Bar - Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes by Cathcart, Dirty Jokes and Beer Stories of the Unrefined by Carey, Garrison Keillor's Comedy Theater by Keillor and Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road by Cole.

Laugh it up … with or without plunger atop!

December 17, 2014

CLOSED: December 24 - December 28

Neill Public Library will be closed for the winter holiday from Wednesday, December 24th through, Sunday, December 28th.

You can visit the library via our website at where you can view the catalog, check out electronic resources, use the library databases, request an item and view your account. No materials will be due at this time, but if you wish to return materials you may do so using the book drop at the North entrance of the library. 

We will re-open at 1:00 p.m. on Monday, December 29th.

December 16, 2014

Explore the Palouse Heritage Collection......

The Palouse Heritage Collection at Neill Public Library has a wide variety of materials about the Palouse.  We will be sharing some of the photos from the collection with you over the next few days and weeks, but don't just view the materials here.  Come down to the library and explore the Palouse Heritage Collection!
To the Rescue - Flooded downtown Pullman circa 1910

Main Street Pullman looking toward WSU Campus during 1910 Flood

Houses floating down the flooded Palouse River in Pullman March 1910.

December 14, 2014

Presents and Presence

It’s that time of the year again, isn’t it?  The time when one is likely to give or receive well wishes and holiday greetings. Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, Celebrate the Solstice, Joyous Kwanzaa and Happy New Year.  There’s no shortage of reason or season to celebrate.

For most celebrations, gift-giving is often a core component.  It seems we’re continually bombarded with messages to spend our money, pull out the plastic cards and get those never-ending wish lists taken care of.  Is it any wonder our celebratory moods are often buried deep beneath an oppressive cloak of overwhelmed-ness?  I think not.

So, instead of feeling overwhelmed, I suggest we literally stop, breathe and truly think about what we’re doing and why.  There is no question that the giving of gifts can be a very meaningful and joyous experience – for both givers and receivers.  But I believe it might better serve us and those whom we love to consider how much is enough and whether buying is the best way to give.

I don’t know about you, but my sweet husband and I have no need for any purchased gift.  Not a single one. This doesn’t mean we’re wealthy or up to our ears in debt.  It means we realize we’re two of the most fortunate folks on this planet.  We have each other and a love that has bound us for a quarter of a century.  We have our health. We also have family and good friends to love and with whom to share this beautiful life. Plus, we have a warm, sweet little cottage to call home with a kitchen pantry full of nutritious and delicious food. And there’s more - we can turn on the tap to get hot and cold water, and at the flip of a switch, we have light and warmth, day or night.  And we both have jobs that provide us with a sense of purpose and joy.  What buyable present could we need?

So, in terms of gifts, I offer two questions as food for meaningful thought.  What really matters?  Is it our presents or our presence?  When it comes to children, we intuitively know (and research confirms) they aren’t made happier by the number of toys, gadgets and trinkets we buy them.  Instead, what is meaningful to them (and to all of us) is the true presence of others.  Actually being present - talking, laughing, playing games, reading, singing, making something, creating memories.   No TV, laptops or cell phones nearby.

With our ever-mobile society, I do recognize how challenging it is to physically be with those whom we love as much as we would like.  But that does not negate our ability to have our presence there or their presence with us.  Some of my most cherished gifts are the handwritten letters from loved ones, the paper and highly glittered decorations that came from sweet little hands and homemade treats that fill both body and soul.

So if these thoughts speak to your heart’s desire to look at making your celebrations more meaningful and truly richer, then I encourage you to trust your instincts and give them a try.  What do you have to lose?  Maybe the accumulation of more “stuff” and a bank balance that’s not so balanced after all? Both acceptable losses in my book!

Kathleen Ahern
Children's Librarian

December 10, 2014

Emily Dickinson, Poet

Happy Birthday, Miss Emily Dickinson! Born in Amherst, Massachusetts on December 10, 1886, she is revered as one of America's most beloved and prolific poets.

A fascinating figure, she lived a most reclusive life in almost isolation from the outside world, while ensconced within the life of her nuclear family.  She read quite widely and also actively maintained many correspondences with a number of individuals.

Fewer than fair dozen of her nearly 1800 poems were published in her lifetime.  Many of her poems dealt with themes of death and immortality.  Yet as we celebrate her 128th birthday, we can rest in the words contained in the first verse of her most famous poem entitled:
 "Hope is the Thing With Feathers," 

  Hope is the thing with feathers  
  That perches in the soul  
  And sings the tune without the words  
  And never stops at all.  

So, if this has inspired you to read more of her poems and learn more about her rather eccentric life, check out these library resources:

The Poems of Emily Dickinson, The Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson, My Wars are Laid Away in Books by Habegger , Miss Emily by Muten,  Letters From the Emily Dickinson Room by Agodon and My Letter to the World and Other Poems by Dickinson.

Kathleen Ahern
Children's Librarian

December 07, 2014

National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

 It was 7:55 a.m. on a Sunday morning when the Japanese suddenly attacked Pearl Harbor, on the island of Oahu, Hawaii.  As then president, Franklin D. Roosevelt said, when making his radio announcement to the American public, it is "a date which will live in infamy". Yet seventy three years later, less than 9% of the American population alive today was living at the time of the attack. Will it be forgotten as these few who remain pass on leaving behind only a National Remembrance Day and the USS Arizona Memorial?
I remember in 2001, when the Michael Bay film about Pearl Harbor premiered, my husband and I had young children and had to get a sitter for a night out. Our sitter was a high school senior, intelligent, active with plans to go to the state university after graduation. Upon returning home after dinner and a long movie, our sitter inquired about which movie we had seen. We told her Pearl Harbor and she told us she had never heard of it. She asked us what it was about? I was dumbfounded! How could this possibly be, especially at the 60th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor?
So, let us not forget or let the generations after us forget the event that was the beginning of World War II for the Americans. The surprise attack that resulted in the tragic loss of 2,500 lives, 20 Naval vessels and over 200 planes on that sleepy Sunday morning. And to help you remember Neill Public Library has many materials on the subject.  Try Pearl Harbor an A & E video recording with personal narratives of the event.  Also available Day of Infamy by Lord in book or book on CD. These titles are also available;  The Attack on Pearl Harbor by Peter Benoit, Attack on Pearl Harbor: The True Story of the Day America Entered World War II by Tanaka, The Attack on Pearl Harbor by McGowen and The Attack on Pearl Harbor a comic book by Sutcliffe.  No matter your choice of material, it's important that we never forget!
Lori C Lewis
Administrative Assistant

December 04, 2014

National Cookie Day!

Pre-heat your ovens, get out your mixer and baking supplies.  Oh yes, it is National Cookie Day! Who knew?  We all do now, so let's get going!  And although I have more cookbooks than one human can ever use in two lifetimes, I have still perused the library's cookie resources. And here is just a small sampling of what I found:

The Complete Cookie by Bluestein, Smart Cookie: Designing Creative Cookies by Rau, One Dough, Fifty Cookies by Pendleton, Cool Cookies by LaPenta,Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar by Moskowitz, Cupcakes, Cookies, And Pie, Oh, My! by Tack, Cookie Swap: Creative Treats to Share Throughout the Year by Usher

And if you want some fictional books to enjoy while your cookies are baking and cooling, check out these sweet titles:

Sugar Cookie Murder by Fluke, The Mystery in the Fortune Cookie by Warner, Miss Fortune Cookie by Bjorkman, Mmmm, Cookies by Munsch

Happy Baking!  Happy Eating!  Happy Reading!

Kathleen Ahern
Children's Librarian

December 01, 2014

Check out something new

Do you want to see what new items have been added to the library's collections during the month of November?  Take this link!  Many of the items are still being processed so it can take a while for them to be ready to be checked out, but go ahead and place a hold and you'll be notified when it's ready for you to pick up. Make sure we have a current email and postal address for you.

New downloadable items are added every month as well. Here's the link to Washington Anytime Library.