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March 09, 2015

Do You Have a Favorite Book?

April 12-18 is National Library Week!  To celebrate, Neill Public Library will be displaying staff and patron book picks throughout the month. To do this, we need your help! Next time you are in the library, look for submission boxes and fill out an anonymous slip with your suggestion. We will accept submissions throughout March and display as many as possible in April. Other patrons looking for new reads will appreciate it!
Also, did you know that the majority of our collection is built based on YOUR suggestions? If there is a book, audiobook, or DVD that you think the library should purchase (for you or others to enjoy!), just stop by the reference desk to let us know!  All suggestions are carefully reviewed based on factors such as cost, critic reviews, and potential for checkout. If we decide not to purchase your item, never fear – we will consider borrowing it for you from another library through Interlibrary Loan (ILL) for temporary checkout.

Help us continue to make the library a place for EVERYONE!

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