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March 06, 2019

New Titles from Neill Public Library....

By Sally Lloyd-Jones and David Litchfield

A story about friendship, inclusion, silliness, and the joy of sharing - Mr. Pockles is an odd dog with a big hat collection and bigger heart.  He has a hat for all occasions: an Eating The Cornflakes Hat, an In The Bath Hat, even a Going To Bed Hat. Mr. Pockles loves hats and wishes he could share his hat enthusiasm with others, especially the exclusive PandaPolitan Club.  Friendship is formed from a potentially disastrous situation when the Very Important Lady Coco Fitz-Tulip‘s hat is ruined right before the Hat Day celebration. Mr. Pockles saves the day by offering Lady Coco Fitz-Tulip his most beautiful hat, his Special Hat and in return Lady Coco Fitz-Tulip welcomes everyone to the Hat Day celebration where they can all start their spring in style. 

By Monique Fields and Yesenia Moises

A young biracial girl looks around her world for a word to describe her color. She does not identify immediately with any colors around her, nor can anyone identify her color for her. She decides to create her own word for her color -- honeysmoke.  While simple in text, Honeysmoke explores the complex themes of race and identity while empowering its readers to create their own self-identity.

By Eva Eland
A sensitive look at a familiar feeling, sadness is greeted as an unwelcomed guest. In this simple yet mindful story, it presents to its readers practical ways to address the emotion of sadness, by giving it a shape and a face, naming it, and doing activities like sitting quietly, drawing, and going outside for a walk. An emotional literacy book, it illustrates ways for its reader to navigate and tackle the feeling of sadness themselves!

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