Pages and Information

August 11, 2010

Free computer classes

Are you looking to improve your technology skills in order to compete in today’s job market? Neill Public Library is presenting a series of classes designed to help you.

Our first series of classes will teach participants how to best utilize computers for a successful job search. Presenters will review the basics of using a computer, teach the set up and use of email, and give tips on how to search for jobs online. Each participant will have use of a high-speed internet computer.

The series of classes for August 2010 is as follows:
  • Computer Basics - Tuesday, August 17th 4-5:30 p.m.
  • E-mail BasicsSunday, August 22nd 2-3:30 p.m.
  • Online Job Search Basics - Friday, August 27th 10-11:30 a.m.
These programs are made possible through an LSTA grant from the Office of the Secretary of State and Washington State Library on behalf of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

All classes are free but space is limited. Anyone interested in participating should register by calling the Information Desk at 509-338-3254.

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