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July 16, 2011

Summer on the Palouse: Friends and Reading

Summer is a glorious time on the Palouse! The pace is a little more relaxed, people mingle at the local farmers’ markets and at the local pools, and the weather (finally!) could hardly be improved.

Yet another reason to celebrate summer in Pullman is our Summer Reading Program at Neill Public Library. This summer 1,152 children have already signed up for the program, with 243 participating in the brand new adult program as well. Throughout the summer the program sponsors various events at the library: a comedic juggler and a magician, in addition to local storytellers, a variety of storytimes for young children, and weekly book-themed programs for those in elementary school. These programs are aided by the enthusiasm of 35 teen volunteers. Kids can also earn two free age-appropriate books for reading consistently throughout the summer.

The last point is key. The programs are fun and they add to the liveliness of the summer, but the real importance of summer reading is encouraging children (and adults) to read and be read to throughout the summer months.

This summer, as in the past several years, the Grand Finale will be a performance by award-winning children’s musician Victor Johnson in Reaney Park on Thursday, July 28th, from 6 to 7 pm. If you haven’t come to this event before, consider marking it on your calendar this year! Victor plays music the whole family can enjoy, drawing from country blues, swing, and traditional styles of music from around the world. Families picnic. Kids dance. Everyone sings along. It is a great time, with ice cream for the kids to boot.

All of the above is funded entirely by the Friends of Neill Public Library, the nonprofit group that supports the library and community by supplementing library materials, programs, and special needs not covered by the library’s city budget. It is the collective contributions of donations of hundreds of residents who make these and many more vibrant and important programs possible.

This year we are delighted to thank all those who contribute to the success and health of Neill Public Library through their Friends membership by inviting them to a special additional opportunity to hear and talk with Victor Johnson at a dessert event at Neill Public Library on Wednesday, July 27, from 7 to 8 pm. In additional to playing music, Victor will answer questions and talk about his life as a musician.

We invite all Friends to come enjoy a dessert, enjoy the music, and receive our grateful thanks for your support of our year-long endeavors. And if you aren’t yet a Friend but would like to be one, consider this an enthusiastic invitation to join us for the event on July 27th. We would welcome having you as a Friend to help us support our library and enrich our community!

Karen Weathermon, President
Friends of Neill Public Library
published 7/16/11 in Moscow-Pullman Daily News

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