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December 28, 2012

Resolve to ________ in 2013.

Are you going to make a New Year's Resolution for 2013?  In the past, I've resolved to lose weight, learn French, exercise more, volunteer more, and practice my musical instrument more frequently.  I didn't succeed long-term in any of those resolutions.  Sometime around March... sometimes even sooner... my best intentions peter out.

I eventually stopped making resolutions because the bulk of my statement was always "and I really, really mean it this year."  I'm not alone in failing.  According to a 2007 study, only about 12% of people who made a New Year's Resolution were successful.  We all want to improve our habits and choices, so what can we do?

Men are typically more successful when they focus on a measurable standard of success or focus on the ultimate benefit of achieving those goals.  In the case of making a resolution to lose weight, "instead of trying to lose weight in general, aiming to lose a pound each week" is a more measurable goal, and "being more attractive to the opposite sex" is the ultimate benefit of attaining the first goal.

Going public was the key factor in increasing success for women.  Telling friends and family is crucial, both for accountability and reinterpretation-- friends can help one see a lapse as "temporary setback" instead of utter failure.  For the example of eating healthy every day, a friend would help you realize that a slip-up of take-out and dessert after a stressful day isn't the end of the world-- or the end of your resolution.
Finally, for anyone, having realistic expectations is important.  It's not realistic to go from couch potato to working out for 2 hours a day starting January 2nd.  Adding five or ten minutes to your workout every month is more realistic.

Whatever your resolution, remember that the library has resources to help you beginning January 1st and all through the year.  Some of the most common resolutions are to lose weight, exercise more, eat well, drink more water, drink less alcohol, stop smoking, get out of debt, improve work skills, increase one's education, learn a language, take up music, become more organized, lower stress, have a better attitude, travel, volunteer, or be a better friend, spouse, parent, or other life role.

We want you to succeed, so stop by for any information you need!

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