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July 05, 2016

Guide Dogs for the Blind Visit Neill Public Library

Three trainers for “Guide Dogs for the Blind” made a visit to Neill Public Library on June 30.  Each of the trainers brought their dog-in-training with them.  The ages of the dogs ranged from fourteen weeks to a little over a year old.  Children attending the presentation learned about the training process both the dogs and people go through in order to help get the canines ready for their next training step with their potential new owner.

Facts shared by the trainers included how guide dogs for the blind always wear a green work vest when they’re working and that means one should never approach the dog without asking the owner first.  Attendees were also able to see the dogs “in action” as they responded to various commands including “go to bed, stand up, that’s enough and lay down.”  The informative session ended with children being able to love on each of these amazing dogs who will one day make such a profound difference in the life of a person with visual impairments.

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