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November 17, 2016


Now seeking: passionate individual with leadership ability and strong commitment to the free and open access of stories, ideas, information and opinions, to serve on the volunteer five-member trustee board of Neill Public Library in Pullman.

It is the trustee's obligation to see that adequate funds are obtained for excellent, current library service and to assist in planning for future library services. Members of the board must be Pullman residents, appointed by Glenn Johnson, the Mayor of Pullman with the consent of the Pullman City Council. It is a five-year term and members may serve two consecutive terms. Board meetings are held at the library on the second Wednesday of each month at 3:00 p.m. in the Young Conference Room.  Trustees are expected to make a commitment to active participation and consistent attendance.
Applications are available at the library and on the library's website at  Applications can be mailed to City of Pullman/Neill Public Library, 325 SE Paradise, Pullman, WA 99163, or emailed to Joanna Bailey, Library Director, at
Applications will be accepted until the vacancy is filled.  For more information, contact Neill Public Library at 334-3595.

Joanna Bailey
Director, Neill Public Library

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