Pages and Information

August 28, 2019

New Titles from Neill Public Library....

By Robin Marty

Handbook for a Post-Roe America includes a detailed resource guide for all pregnant people of clinics, action groups, abortion funds, and practical support groups in each state.  Activist and writer Robin Marty guides readers through various scenarios of a post-Roe America and invites readers to get involved.

By Victor Davis Hanson

In The Case for Trump, award-winning historian and political commentator Victor Davis Hanson explains how a celebrity businessman with no political or military experience became president of the United States.  Hanson says we might not be able to survive a series of presidencies as volatile as Trump's, but America needs the outsider Trump to do what normal politicians would not or could not do.

By Major Garrett

Major Garrett has been reporting on the White House for nearly two decades, covering four different presidencies for three news outlets. But if he thought that his distinguished journalistic career had prepared him for the unique challenges of covering Donald Trump, he was in for a surprise.  Garrett brings to life the complexities of covering this White House and its unconventional occupant with wit, sagacity and style.

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