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January 19, 2013

Good Yarns still going strong

It's still winter! That shouldn't be too surprising unless you've recently moved here from a southern location. Most people around here have plenty of warm woolly things but if you've ever been interested in learning to make your own or need encouragement to re-visit your needleworking, we have a group here at the library that meets weekly.

We call ourselves Good Yarns and get together to work on our own projects, learn from each other, and share ideas. Yes, we're mostly women but men are more than welcome and over the years we've had several join us occasionally. Most people are working on crochet or knitting projects but we welcome needleworkers of all kinds including cross-stitch. Sometimes people even bring in their spinning wheels.

This is our eighth year and we're still going strong!  We often contribute to charity projects and have made hats for Backyard Harvest, Save the Children, Pullman Regional Hospital newborns, and toy bears for the Mother Bear Project. Here's a picture of some of the group along with the 33 hats we sent recently to Pullman Regional Hospital.

If you're interested in our Good Yarns group, stop by on a Friday 1-2:30 pm and we'll be happy to have you join us for a cup of tea. Call Randi at 338-3259 if you need more information.

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