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February 15, 2013

Last Chance for a Thrill!

Hurry, quickly!  In only a few days, the Thriller/Suspense Nook will be on its way, not to return again for ages!  If you were thinking about perhaps reading Confessions of Murder Suspect (Patterson and Paetro), Victim (Kellerman), or Postmortem (Cornwall), now's the time to spring into action!  This device, with its 14 loaded titles, needs to be shipped to its new home next week. 

Speaking of new homes, we'll be getting two new eReaders with a whole set of new titles!  Starting Friday, February 22, you may begin placing holds on these two great selections!  Classics and General/Literary Fiction are on their way. 

What's on the Classics Nook, I hear you ask.  (Don't pretend you don't want to know!)  Why, it is truly crammed with all those books you have always meant to read.  Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, Gone with the Wind, Fahrenheit 451... the list goes on.  (No really, it does: 23 titles!)  Check it out, read Animal Farm, maybe even The Scarlet Letter, and bring it back.

If you are one of the dozen people still waiting for Rowling's Casual Vacancy, may I recommend the the General/Literary Fiction Nook?  It's on there.  And so are several other recently-popular general fiction titles that may also have on your list to-read that perhaps you never found the time for.  I'm talking about Minding Frankie and Where'd You Go, Bernadette? and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close.  Read those books you've always meant to. 

Don't forget, call first thing when we open on 2/22 to place your hold.

(2/22 being a Friday, we will open at 1.)

2/22!  Say it aloud so you remember!

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