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March 04, 2009

Tips from our Children's Librarian for reading aloud

Read aloud because you want to
Children can sense when grown-ups are doing something because they feel like they have to do so. Be sure you're reading aloud because you love to read aloud and can't wait to share another wonderful book with your child. Your love of books will be obvious to your child. They'll catch your passion and enthusiasm as they feel it coming from you.

Choose books that are "good read alouds"
There's only one way to find this out: choose some books, read them aloud to your self and see how they "feel and sound" to you. If you love hearing the book, the chances are that your child will as well. Be prepared for requests for "this one again, please!"

Read with expression
Children love to hear different voices and sounds in read alouds. From quiet whispers and breathy pauses to loud voices and giggles, too -- don't be shy. Children love for grown-ups to get carried away and have fun with reading, too.

Give yourself permission to not be perfect
Just because you start a book doesn't mean you have to read it word for word -- or even read any words at all for that matter. With very young children, you can always "read the pictures." Also, give yourself permission to move on to another book if the one you're reading isn't as satisfying to you and your child as you thought it might be. The most important thing is to enjoy the time together and to give yourself permission to make changes as you read.

Do it every day
In our busy world, we won't find time to read aloud, we must make time to read aloud -- every day. Show them you value reading by always making time to read aloud to your children every day.

It's never too early
Studies show that children are more likely to show a strong interest and aptitude for reading on their own when they have people in their lives who consistently read aloud to them. Even after your child has mastered reading on his/her own, be sure to continue to read aloud to him/her every day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great information - Thank you!